Lexpertise per il territorio ed il sociale
We have gained significant experience in the Third Sector with particular focus in its interrelation with the world of sports. It is precisely from this experience that our commitment to create a stable and satisfyingly productive connection between the land and its inhabitants stems. That is why we bet on and assist entities, territorial associations and companies whose purpose is innovation. Let’s give examples:
Institutional projects

Innovative Sports Centers Project
We witnessed and helped the great passion and vision of a young entrepreneur that enabled him, among the first in Italy, to build a large and innovative Trampoline Park (Zero Gravity). This facility, intended both for the training of federal athletes of many acrobatic disciplines, but also and especially open to the public for pure enjoyment, has been one of the most successful sports cases in recent years. The ease of use, the great professionalism of the sports operators and the enormous amount of adrenaline that takes hold of each person who tries it on the first jump has generated an example of success, on several levels: (territorial) it has allowed the area to be redeveloped and generate n new flow of users and social control over the area; (labor) it has allowed the creation of a significant induced activity given the turnout and use of the services offered; (innovation) it has opened up a market that did not exist before; (media) it has been the subject of countless communications.

Public Private Partnership Project
Over the years, the firm has developed considerable expertise in managing sports concessions and especially in assisting entities that intend to venture into so-called Project Financing, which is the tool made available by the Procurement Code for public-private synergy. Medium- and large-scale operations are springing up that would normally be unthinkable in terms of the construction, renovation, and redevelopment of sports facilities and areas that have long been abandoned, unused, or underutilized. We will give updates on important new projects shortly.

Rigeneration Run Project
We assisted one of the most important Sports Promotion Bodies (UISP Milan Committee) and several Associations in creating and developing a project of social animation and urban regeneration through sports. Rigeneration Run was the final event of the Together to Move Project that won the Peripheries Call for Proposals issued by the City of Milan. In summary, young people in the five suburban areas identified by the call were involved in a participatory mapping exercise, in which they identified a number of places that are currently underutilized due to problematic situations related to degradation and real and/or perceived dangerous situations. Sports contests have been organized in such places with the aim of preparing for the Rigeneration Run. Grand finale: A relay race covered on foot, on skates, on skateboards and in a thousand other ways, in which children and young people each covered a small stretch of road, passing the baton to the final finish line. A feat in which every young athlete made his or her contribution and which ended with a celebration of games and sports activities dedicated to all the children of the city.

eSport Project
What are eSports? Are they sports or are they purely recreational-commercial activities?We are at the forefront of research and consulting in competitive gaming and eSports, Stay Tuned!
Institutional projects

Innovative Sports Centers Project
We witnessed and helped the great passion and vision of a young entrepreneur that enabled him, among the first in Italy, to build a large and innovative Trampoline Park (Zero Gravity). This facility, intended both for the training of federal athletes of many acrobatic disciplines, but also and especially open to the public for pure enjoyment, has been one of the most successful sports cases in recent years. The ease of use, the great professionalism of the sports operators and the enormous amount of adrenaline that takes hold of each person who tries it on the first jump has generated an example of success, on several levels: (territorial) it has allowed the area to be redeveloped and generate n new flow of users and social control over the area; (labor) it has allowed the creation of a significant induced activity given the turnout and use of the services offered; (innovation) it has opened up a market that did not exist before; (media) it has been the subject of countless communications.

Public Private Partnership Project
Over the years, the firm has developed considerable expertise in managing sports concessions and especially in assisting entities that intend to venture into so-called Project Financing, which is the tool made available by the Procurement Code for public-private synergy. Medium- and large-scale operations are springing up that would normally be unthinkable in terms of the construction, renovation, and redevelopment of sports facilities and areas that have long been abandoned, unused, or underutilized. We will give updates on important new projects shortly.

Rigeneration Run Project
We assisted one of the most important Sports Promotion Bodies (UISP Milan Committee) and several Associations in creating and developing a project of social animation and urban regeneration through sports. Rigeneration Run was the final event of the Together to Move Project that won the Peripheries Call for Proposals issued by the City of Milan. In summary, young people in the five suburban areas identified by the call were involved in a participatory mapping exercise, in which they identified a number of places that are currently underutilized due to problematic situations related to degradation and real and/or perceived dangerous situations. Sports contests have been organized in such places with the aim of preparing for the Rigeneration Run. Grand finale: A relay race covered on foot, on skates, on skateboards and in a thousand other ways, in which children and young people each covered a small stretch of road, passing the baton to the final finish line. A feat in which every young athlete made his or her contribution and which ended with a celebration of games and sports activities dedicated to all the children of the city.

eSport Project
What are eSports? Are they sports or are they purely recreational-commercial activities?We are at the forefront of research and consulting in competitive gaming and eSports, Stay Tuned!
Pro bono or social projects
As a network, we are also committed to community support through the provision of our expertise in support of social projects

Shared garden project
On the occasion of Milan Green Week 2019, work began on Friday, September 27, 2019, on the construction of the “Shared Garden of Via della Rondine.” High school students from Municipio 6 have designed and will proceed with the care of a 4,000-square-meter green area involving not only 100 students from Liceo Marconi High School, but also students from the Enaip Training Institute and inmates from the “Cesare Beccaria” Juvenile Correctional Institute through a school-to-work and rehabilitation alternation project. The project came about thanks to the synergy between the public and private sectors and in particular between Municipio 6, UISP (Italian Union of Sport for All) Milan Territorial Committee, FAST Foundation, local educational institutions and the technical sponsorship of Legnolandia srl.

Marco Simoncelli Foundation 58
For a long time we have had the pleasure and honor of assisting the Marco Simoncelli Foundation in its Charity projects, organizing events and motor rallies to raise funds to carry out charitable projects. On January 20, 2019 (Birthday of MotoGp Champion Marco Simoncelli, who died prematurely), the first project realized, Casa Marco Simoncelli in Sant’ Andrea in Besanigo (RN), was inaugurated. It took 5 years of effort, a lot of commitment and all the proceeds from the previous editions of Buon Compleanno, Spurtlèda58, Motoraduni, Un gigante per il Sic and more. This is a day care center created under the “After Us” project for families that include people with severe disabilities. The center will be run by the Monte Tauro community in Coriano, which Sic had grown fond of.
Evaluation is now underway on the new project about which we will give more information shortly.
Pro bono or social projects
As a network, we are also committed to community support through the provision of our expertise in support of social projects

Shared garden project
On the occasion of Milan Green Week 2019, work began on Friday, September 27, 2019, on the construction of the “Shared Garden of Via della Rondine.” High school students from Municipio 6 have designed and will proceed with the care of a 4,000-square-meter green area involving not only 100 students from Liceo Marconi High School, but also students from the Enaip Training Institute and inmates from the “Cesare Beccaria” Juvenile Correctional Institute through a school-to-work and rehabilitation alternation project. The project came about thanks to the synergy between the public and private sectors and in particular between Municipio 6, UISP (Italian Union of Sport for All) Milan Territorial Committee, FAST Foundation, local educational institutions and the technical sponsorship of Legnolandia srl.

Marco Simoncelli Foundation 58
For a long time we have had the pleasure and honor of assisting the Marco Simoncelli Foundation in its Charity projects, organizing events and motor rallies to raise funds to carry out charitable projects. On January 20, 2019 (Birthday of MotoGp Champion Marco Simoncelli, who died prematurely), the first project realized, Casa Marco Simoncelli in Sant’ Andrea in Besanigo (RN), was inaugurated. It took 5 years of effort, a lot of commitment and all the proceeds from the previous editions of Buon Compleanno, Spurtlèda58, Motoraduni, Un gigante per il Sic and more. This is a day care center created under the “After Us” project for families that include people with severe disabilities. The center will be run by the Monte Tauro community in Coriano, which Sic had grown fond of.
Evaluation is now underway on the new project about which we will give more information shortly.
We create impact
Thanks to our close collaboration with the FAST Foundation (Fondazione Ambiente Sport e Territorio), we are part of a large project composed of numerous and varied annual projects to support, study and sponsor initiatives that fall within the Foundation’s institutional mission.
FAST – Fondazione Ambiente Sport Territorio is an operating foundation that was established in Italy with the aim of conserving nature and its resources, promoting a healthy lifestyle in all its forms, (food, sports, ethical etc.) and enhancing the territory. FAST projects arise from networking activities and partnerships between the third sector, companies active in CSR and public administrations.
FAST promotes project start-ups and develops co-marketing and co-branding actions with nonprofits, local governments and businesses. The foundation acts as an incubator for social enterprises that intend to operate in the fields of environment, health and sports.

We create impact
Thanks to our close collaboration with the FAST Foundation (Fondazione Ambiente Sport e Territorio), we are part of a large project composed of numerous and varied annual projects to support, study and sponsor initiatives that fall within the Foundation’s institutional mission.
FAST – Fondazione Ambiente Sport Territorio is an operating foundation that was established in Italy with the aim of conserving nature and its resources, promoting a healthy lifestyle in all its forms, (food, sports, ethical etc.) and enhancing the territory. FAST projects arise from networking activities and partnerships between the third sector, companies active in CSR and public administrations.
FAST promotes project start-ups and develops co-marketing and co-branding actions with nonprofits, local governments and businesses. The foundation acts as an incubator for social enterprises that intend to operate in the fields of environment, health and sports.
The benefits to the customer

Comprehensive legal assistance for every need from the personal sphere.

Legal support that is easy to access.

Professional help in solving problems but also in 'identifying new solutions for personal and family well-being.

Professionalism and confidentiality.

Experience and multidisciplinarity provided by a highly specialized network.